The Quarantine: First Week

Hunkering Down

Empty classroom blurred in the background with Quarantine written in foreground One thing is for sure. I am NOT cut out for homeschooling.  I’ve known this. It’s not like I just discovered this during the first week of this quarantine, but this has really thrown me for a loop and we haven’t even really gotten started. So far here is what I have learned:
  • Teachers must come with the patience of Job – something I do NOT have.
  • Kids must come with non-stop talk boxes and bottomless stomachs.
I have had to have numerous conversations with my girls about snacks. Will keeps quoting the late, incomparable John Witherspoon: “Every I’m in the kitchen, you in the kitchen”.  How are they ALWAYS hungry and where do they put it all?!  We’ve decide that they will be studying home ec during this quarantine so they can start learning how to feed US instead of always asking us to make something. LOL Parents in my social media feeds have come up with these awesome, elaborate daily schedules. That is not me.  I have ADHD and have struggled with my own personal schedule. Instead of making a schedule for them, I asked my girls to each come up with their own outline of a schedule to work with. I’m not expecting them to stick to it down to the minute or anything, but to have a general idea of how and when they’ll do the work that has been allotted to them by their teachers. Fortunately, our older girl is doing well on her own so far – managing her own time, even taking tests at the time prescribed. Our younger girl needs a little more prodding and that’s to be expected. I asked them to coordinate on a time to go outside and play together so that they can get some fresh air and have some physical activity. For some reason, they moan and groan about this, but then go out and have a good time together.  I’m making sure that they stay away from other people, so no playing at the playground or with other groups of kids. It’s tough. None of us are loving this whatsoever, but we are hanging in there.  I’m just glad that we have the ability and the technology to do this.  We are privileged in so many ways and I’m thankful for that. I realize that I’ll have to be a monitor of sorts in order to make sure they are getting their work done, but I’m not going to be a micromanager.  I’ll be there for questions and help. Their teachers are also available to them. We’ll get through one way or another.

Getting through this – together

In addition to the podcast, Will does weekly radio segment for a radio show in Asheville, NC. This week he spoke about resources for the inexperienced (or even reluctant) homeschooler. Read his suggestions here. It is important not to put too much pressure on yourself or your children.  This is an unusual and unprecedented time for all of us. For our young kids, this will be one of the first defining moments in their lives – before the quarantine and after the quarantine. We just have to work together to the best of our abilities. But still, I hope the quarantine doesn’t last too long. ID 175821363 © Nunataki |